Procedure ScrollWindowUp(ScrollAreaPtr:Integer); { The defined portion of screen is scolled up and an empty line is written at the bottom line of the scrolled area SrollAreaPtr points 4-byte array/group: offs 0 = upper left column (x) of the area to be scrolled +1 = uppermost row (y) of the area to be scrolled +2 = width of the area to be scrolled +3 = height of the area to be scrolled } Var bufpt :Array[0..80] Of Byte; bufaddr :Integer Absolute bufpt; Begin Inline ( $DD/$2A/ScrollAreaPtr/$DD/$7E/$3/$FE/$2/$38/$77/$3d/$47/$DD/$7E/$1/ $3c/$5F/ $16/$0/$E5/$B7/$EB/$ED/$6A/$ED/$6A/$ED/$6A/$ED/$6A/$E5/$ED/$6A/ $ED/$6A/$D1/$19/$EB/$E1/$DD/$6E/$0/$26/$0/$19/$E5/$FD/$E1/$ED/ $5B/bufaddr /$C5/$D5/$F3/$7D/$D3/$99/$7C/$E6/$3F/$D3/$99/$DD/$46/ $2/$C5/$DB/$98/$12/$13/$10/$FA/$C1/$11/$50/$0/$B7/$ED/$52/$FD/ $19/$D1/$D5/$EB/$7B/$D3/$99/$7A/$F6/$40/$D3/$99/$7E/$D3/$98/$23/ $10/$FA/$D1/$C1/$FD/$E5/$E1/$10/$CA/$11/$50/$0/$B7/$ED/$52/$EB/ $7B/$D3/$99/$7A/$F6/$40/$D3/$99/$DD/$46/$2/$AF/$D3/$98/$10/$FB ); End; {ScrollWindowUp }