{ circle.inc by Kari Lammassaari 1997} { Syntax: Procedure Circle(x-coord,y-coord,radius:Integer;Color:Byte);} { Uses rom routines } {Description: - The memory area at $f580 - $f580 + 43 is saved to heap. - The code, which calls BASIC ROM routine at $5bb2, is copied to $f580; - The required parameters are calculated and transferred to SYSTEM RAM variables (GXPOS,GYPOS etc.). - The calling code is patched to use MSX DOS ENASLT routine at high memory. (MSX BIOS ENASLT crashes, if page 0 is turned off.) - ROM routine ends with harmful code POP HL, RET , which is cured by pushing the right return address ($f599) twice onto stack and using JP instead of CALL instruction. - The CTRL-STOP is disabled by setting $fbb1 non zero. (The routine is faster and does not drop to MSX BASIC (= crash), if CTRL-STOP is pressed. - The routine is called, the memory at $f580 restored from heap and allocated heap memory fre'ed. } Procedure Circle(x,y,radius:Integer;Color:Byte); Const SinPi4 = 0.70710678119; Pi4 = 0.78539816340; Code :Array[0..42] Of Byte = ($f3,$3A,$C1,$FC,$F5,$21,$0,$0,$CD,$24,$0,$F1,$26,$40,$CD,$24, $0,$21,$99,$f5,$e5,$e5,$C3,$b2,$5b, $3A,$41,$F3,$26,$0,$CD,$24,$0,$3A,$42,$F3,$26,$40,$CD,$24,$0,$FB,$c9 ); Var i :Byte; c :Array[0..42] of Byte Absolute $f580 ; store :^byte; EnasltAddr :Integer Absolute $0025; Patch :Integer Absolute $f59f; GXPOS :Integer Absolute $fcb3; GYPOS :Integer Absolute $fcb5; GRPACX:Integer Absolute $fcb7; GRPACY:Integer Absolute $fcb9; CNPNTS:Integer Absolute $f936; ATRBYT:Integer Absolute $f3f2; CSTCNT:Integer Absolute $f93F; CENCNT:Integer Absolute $f933; ASPECT:Integer Absolute $f931; ASPCT2:Integer Absolute $f40d; CRCSUM:Integer Absolute $f93d; CPLOTF:Byte Absolute $f938; CLINEF:Byte Absolute $f935; CSCLXY:Byte Absolute $f941; Begin Inline($f3); Getmem(Store,43); Move(c,Store^,43); Move(code,c,43); Patch := EnaSltAddr; GXPOS :=Radius; GRPACX :=x; GYPOS :=y; GRPACY :=y; CRCSUM := 0; CNPNTS := Trunc(SINPI4 * radius); ASPECT := ASPCT2; CLINEF :=0; CSCLXY :=0; CPLOTF := 0; CSTCNT := 0; CENCNT := $ffff; ATRBYT := color; Mem[$fbb1] := 255; Inline( $cd /$80/$f5/$fb); Mem[$fbb1] := 0; Move(Store^,c,43); FreeMem(Store,43); End;