document file by Kari Lammassaari 1997 This file contains Constants,Types, Variables and following procedures: Const Vdp14 = 13; {Blink rate register in vdp} Vdp13 = 12; {Blink colors High nibble = foreground} White = 15; Grey = 14; Purple = 13; DGreen = 12; LYellow = 11; DYellow = 10; LRed = 9; Mred = 8; Cyan = 7; DRed = 6; LBlue = 5; DBlue = 4; LGreen = 3; MGreen = 2; Black = 1; Transp = 0; SetB = True; ResB = False; {Switch values for setbit } Var ColTbl :Array[0..255] Of Byte; TXTCOL :Integer Absolute $f3b5; {Blink table addr} - BlinkChar(Column,Row:Byte); - ClearBlinkChar(Column,Row:Byte); - Blink(Column,Row,BlinkLenght:Byte); - ClearBlink(Column,Row,BlinkLenght:Byte); - ClearAllBlinks; - SetBlinkRate(OnTime,OffTime:Byte); Time values 0 - 15 - SetBlinkColors(ForeGroundColor,BackGroundColor:Byte); - Procedure CursorBlink(Len:Byte); {Sets a blinking block starting from current cursor location. } {Moving cursor to annother location does NOT remove the blinking. Use ClearCursorBlink before moving the cursor. } - Procedure ClearCursorBlink(Len:Byte); {Removes the blin at the cursor location} * * * - _WrtVdp(Register,Value:Byte); {Used internally.} {Does NOT update system variables}