Hello Tristan, Here are some new files to pub/msx/programming/pascal/lammassaari incs.inc Allows an easy way to chain Turbo Pascal procedures as interrupt services. No ROM routines used. Faster program execution ! intstest.pas a simple example of three user interrupts in a program dosplay.inc A new MoonBlaster song and SEE sound SFX player for MSXDOS2. Uses mapper pages for code and data storage. Uses minimal conventional memory ! MoonBlaster and SEE interrupts are independent from each other and can be used together or separately. Uses ints.inc ! Contain easy Init, Control and Load routines. Easy to use with a game. To start playback from program you need only three program lines: If InitMbmPlayer Then Begin LoadMBMFile('MBSong.mbm'); StartMbmPlay; End; dosplay.mpc The MoonBlaster and See player code. dosplay.txt Documentation of dosplay.inc mapper.inc a parameter passing bug fixed in CallMapperPage - routine. Sincerely Kari Lammassaari 16.Nov. 1998 lammassa@nettilinja.fi