Not really 80 games, but 59 games whose 10 come with variants for cheaters or people who want to start the game with a different stage. Besides, Pooyan appears twice, but only with the same cheat version. Gomoku Narabe appears only one time, but starts with level 2. Menu 1 01. Frogger 02. Yellow Submarine 03. Mr.Do! vs Unicorns 04. Iga Ninpouten - Small Ninja 05. Galaxian 06. King's Valley (begins with stage 2) 07. Pastfinder 08. Mr. Chin 09. Knightmare (begins with stage 2) 10. Indian no Bouken 11. Video Hustler 12. King's Valley (begins with stage 4) 13. Circus Charlie (begins with stage 3) 14. Tawara 15. Sinbad 16. Cabbage Patch Kids (begins with stage 2 and 128 lives) 17. Gomoku Narabe (begins with level 2) 18. MSX Soccer Menu 2 1. Cannon Turbo 2. Comic Bakery 3. Circus Charlie (begins with stage 2) 4. Hyper Rally 5. Super Columns & Tetris 6. Jump Coaster 7. Knightmare (begins with stage 6) 8. Sky Jaguar 9. Bogle Bogle (Poppaq The Fish) 10. Magical Tree 11. King's Valley (begins with stage 3) 12. MSX Baseball 13. Illigs Episode 1 - Theseus 14. Knightmare 15. King's Valley (begins with stage 6) 16. Alibaba and 40 Thieves 17. Pippols 18. Water Driver Menu 3 1. Antartic Adventure 2. King's Valley 3. Ski Command 4. Knightmare (begins with stage 7) 5. Aquapolis SOS 6. Frogger (128 lives) 7. Highway Star 8. King's Valley (begins with stage 7) 9. Blockade Runner 10. Knightmare (begins with stage 3) 11. Othello 12. Hyper Sports 1 13. Soukoban 14. Circus Charlie 15. Exerion 16. Flipper Slipper 17. Car Jamboree 18. Knightmare (begins with stage 8 and 80 lives) Menu 4 1. Warp & Warp 2. Pooyan (255 lives) 3. E.I. - Exa Innova 4. King's Valley (begins with stage 8) 5. Actman 6. Sky Jaguar (128 lives) 7. Bomber Man 8. Checkers In Tantan Tanuki 9. Circus Charlie (begins with stage 4) 10. Pooyan (255 lives) 11. Cabbage Patch Kids 12. Knightmare (begins with stage 4) 13. Pippols (80 lives) 14. King's Valley (128 lives) 15. Boogie Woogi Jungle 16. King's Valley (begins with stage 9) 17. Sasa 18. King's Valley (begins with stage 5) Menu 5 1. Knightmare (begins with stage 8) 2. Konami's Tennis 3. Space Trouble 4. C-So! 5. Magical Tree (128 lives) 6. Exoide-Z 7. Road Fighter 8. Tank Battalion 9. Yie Ar Kung-Fu 10. Baduk 11. Knightmare (begins with stage 5) 12. Konami's Ping-Pong 13. Comic Bakery (128 lives) 14. Yie Ar Kung-Fu (136 lives) 15. Monkey Academy 16. Circus Charlie (128 lives) 17. Wonder Boy 18. Circus Charlie (begins with stage 5)