Filename Game Title Type Year Company 10thfram.lzh 10th Frame. Sports 1986 US Gold a_team.lzh The A-Team Arcade 1988 Zafiro aackos-0.arj jetbomber, jetfighter, jumpjet ? ? Aackosoft abadia.lzh La Abadia Del Crimen Adventure 1987 Opera Soft abracada.lzh Abracadabra Text Adventure 1988 Proein Softline aceoaces.lzh Ace of Aces Simulation 1986 US Gold adel.lzh Adel Arcade 1986 Mind Games adictbal.lzh Adictaball Arcade 1987 Alligata adonis.lzh Adonis, arcade sencillo Shoot'm Up 1988 MSX Magazine ae.lzh Ae Shoot'm Up 1985 Toshiba after.pma ? ? ? ? afterbur.lzh Afterburner Shoot'm Up 1988 Activision aguia.lzh Aguia de Fogo Shoot'm Up 1986 Ayrton alehop.lzh Ale Hop Arcade 1988 Topo Soft alfamat.lzh Alfamat ? 1985 Anaya Multimedia alibaba.lzh Alibaba and 40 Thieves Arcade 1984 ICM alien8.lzh Alien 8 Adventure 1986 Max B.C.C. aliens.lzh Aliens Adventure 1988 Activision aliensyn.lzh Alien Syndrome Arcade 1988 Xortrapa Soft alpharoi.lzh AlphaRoid Shoot'm Up ? Ponica alpinesk.lzh Alpine Ski Sports 1987 Methodic Solutions amaurote.lzh Amaurote Arcade 1987 Mastertronic amc.lzh Astro Marine Corps Arcade 1989 Dinamic amida.lzh Amida Arcade 1984 Victor amity.lzh Terror en Amity Ville Adventure ? Matias MSX Software amotopuf.lzh Amoto's Puf Arcade 1988 System 4 angelo.lzh Angelo Arcade 1984 Mass Tael angnieto.lzh Angel Nieto Pole 500 Racing 1990 Opera Soft antartic.lzh Antarctic Adventure Arcade 1984 Konami anty.lzh Anty Arcade 1984 Bothtec apeman.lzh Apeman Strikes Again Arcade 1985 Bytebusters apeman.pma Apeman Strikes Again Arcade 1985 Bytebusters apemansb.lzh Apeman Strikes Again Arcade 1985 Bytebusters aramo.pma Aramo RPG 1985 Sein arctic.lzh Arctic ? 1990 Pony Canyon armymov1.pma Army Moves Arcade 1987 Dinamic armymov2.pma Army Moves Arcade 1987 Dinamic armymovs.lzh Army Moves Arcade 1987 Dinamic aspar.lzh Aspar Grand Prix Master Racing 1988 Dinamic asquadro.lzh Alpha Squadron Shoot'm Up 1984 AG Corp. astronau.lzh Astronaut Shoot'm Up ? ? astroplu.lzh Astro Plumber Arcade 1985 Blue Ribbon Software ateam2.pma ? ? ? ? athletic.lzh Athletic Land Arcade 1984 Konami atman.lzh Actman Arcade 1984 Mass Tael atom.lzh Atom, el marcianito maton ? ? ? Attilio Tubicini Arcade ? ? aufmonty.lzh Auf Wiedersehen Monty Adventure 1987 Gremlin Graphics avenger.lzh Avenger Adventure 1986 Gremlin Graphics avenger.pma Avenger Adventure 1986 Gremlin Graphics avorigin.lzh Aventura Original Text Adventure 1989 Aventuras AD awmonty.pma Auf Wiedersehen Monty Adventure 1987 Gremlin Graphics b-panic.pma Bank Panic Arcade 1985 Sega backfutu.lzh Back to the Future Arcade 1985 Pony backgamm.lzh Backgammon Boardgame 1984 Tecno Soft banana.lzh Banana Platform 1984 Ample bankpani.lzh Bank Panic Arcade 1985 Sega barbaria.lzh Barbarian Arcade 1988 Mastertronic barney.pma ? ? ? ? barnstor.lzh Barnstormer Arcade 1986 Electric Software barunba.lzh Barunba Shoot'm Up 1989 ZAP / Namcot batman.lzh Batman Adventure 1986 Ocean batman.pma Batman Adventure 1986 Ocean beachead.lzh Beach Head Arcade 1985 Orpheus beamride.lzh Beamrider Arcade 1984 Activision billiard.lzh Computer Billiards Billiards 1983 Konami / Sony binaryla.lzh Binary Land Arcade 1984 Kuma blackbea.lzh Black Beard Arcade 1988 Topo Soft blagger.lzh Blagger Platform 1985 Alligata ? Micro Cabin blow.lzh Blow Up Arcade 1988 Eurosoft blow-up.pma Blow Up Arcade 1988 Eurosoft bluepink.lzh Blue & Pink Puzzle ? ? bmxsimul.lzh BMX Simulator Sports 1986 Codemasters boatfly.lzh Fly Boat Arcade 1986 PAR boggy84.lzh Boggy'84 Arcade 1984 Colpax / Nippon Columbia boingboi.lzh Boing Boing Arcade 1985 Idealogic bokosuka.lzh Bokosuka Wars Strategic 1984 ASCII bomber3d.pma 3D Bomberman Arcade ? Kawaguchi bomberma.pma Bomberman Arcade 1986 Korea Soft Bank bombersp.pma Bomberman Special Arcade 1986 ? boogiwoo.lzh Boogie Woogie Jungle Platform 1985 Ample boom.lzh Boom Shoot'm Up 1986 Aackosoft boomeran.lzh Boomerang Arcade 1984 ASCII bop!.lzh Bop! Arcade 1986 Colin Jones bosconia.lzh Bosconian Shoot'm Up 1984 Namcot bouken.lzh Bouken Roman ? 1986 Systemsoft boulder1.lzh Boulderdash Arcade 1986 Orpheus boulder2.lzh Boulderdash 2 Arcade 1986 Orpheus bouncing.lzh Bouncing Block Arcade 1988 Idealogic bound.pma Bounder Arcade 1987 Gremlin Graphics breakin.lzh Break In Arcade 1987 Bytebusters breakout.lzh Breakout ? ? ? brosadv.lzh Brother Adventure Arcade 1987 Zemina bubbler.lzh Bubbler Adventure 1987 A.C.G. buckroge.lzh Buck Rogers Arcade 1983 Sega bugchess.lzh Chess Chess 1984 B.U.G. buggy.lzh Choro Q Arcade 1984 Taito buitre.lzh Emilio Butraguevo Futbol Sports 1988 Topo Soft / Ocean buitreii.lzh Emilio Butraguevo II ? ? Topo Soft busblock.lzh Buster Block Arcade 1985 Kuma cabbage.lzh Cabbage Patch Kids Arcade 1984 Konami camelotw.lzh Camelot Warriors Adventure 1986 Dinamic canworms.lzh Can of Worms Puzzle 1986 Livewire carjambo.lzh Carjamboree Arcade 1984 OEC castleex.lzh The Castle Adventure 1985 ASCII castlexc.lzh Castle Excellent Adventure 1986 ASCII cbasebal.lzh Baseball Sports 1984 Casio cetus.lzh Cetus Arcade 1987 Tyne Soft champion.lzh Champion Pro Wrestling Fighting 1985 Sega chasehq.pma Chase HQ Racing 1988 Ocean chesmast.lzh Chessmaster Chess 1985 Philips chess.lzh Chess Chess 1984 B.U.G. chicago.lzh Chicago's 30 Arcade 1988 Topo Soft chickcha.lzh Chicken Chase Arcade 1986 Bug Byte chikfigh.lzh Chick Fighter Arcade 1983 Hudson chiller.lzh Chiller Platform 1985 Mastertronic chimachi.lzh Chima Chima Arcade 1986 Bothtec choplift.lzh Choplifter Arcade 1985 Broderbund / Compile chopper1.lzh Chopper Shoot'm Up 1986 Bytebusters chubbygr.pma Chubby Gristle Arcade 1988 G.S.E. chuckegg.lzh Chuckie Egg Arcade 1984 A&F Software chuckie.pma Chuckie Egg Arcade 1984 A&F Software circus.lzh Circus Charlie Arcade 1984 Konami city.pma City Connection Arcade 1986 Jaleco cityconn.lzh City Connection Arcade 1986 Jaleco cityconn.pma City Connection Arcade 1986 Jaleco clapton2.lzh Clapton 2 Shoot'm Up 1984 T&E Soft classica.pma Classic Adventure Text Adventure 1983 Melbourne House cluedo.lzh Cluedo Boardgame 1986 Leisure Genius cninja.lzh Candoo Ninja Arcade 1983 Mass Tael / Ascii coastera.lzh Coaster Race Racing 1986 Sony cocircus.lzh Continental Circus Racing 1989 Mastertronic / Taito cockpit.lzh The Cockpit ? ? ? coliseum.lzh Coliseum Arcade 1988 Topo Soft colony.lzh Colony Adventure 1987 Mastertronic colossal.pma Colossal Adventure Text Adventure 1985 Level 9 Computing colt36.lzh Colt 36 Arcade 1987 Topo Soft comicshe.lzh Cosmic Sheriff Arcade 1989 Dinamic comqua.lzh Comando Quatro Arcade 1989 Zigurat confused.lzh Confused? Puzzle 1986 Bytebusters congobon.lzh Congo Bongo Arcade 1983 Sega cosanost.lzh Cosa Nostra Arcade 1986 Opera Soft cosmicsa.lzh Cosmic Shock Absorber Arcade 1986 Martech / Software Communications cosmoexp.lzh Cosmo-Explorer Shoot'm Up 1985 Zap / Sony couperse.lzh Courageous Perseus RPG ? Cosmos Computer craze.pma Baseball Craze Sports 1984 Hudson crazebal.lzh Baseball Craze Sports 1984 Hudson crazytra.lzh Crazy Train Puzzle 1983 Konami / Sony crossbla.lzh Cross Blaim ? 1986 DB Soft crown.lzh Bomulus and the lost Crown Adventure 1986 Teknopiste Oy csoccer.lzh Champion Soccer Sports 1985 Sega ctrueno.lzh Capitan Trueno Arcade 1989 Dinamic cyberun.lzh Cyberun Arcade 1985 A.C.G. cyrusii.pma Cyrus 2 Chess 1985 Intelligent Chess Software dadrianm.lzh The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Text Adventure 1985 Level 9 Computing dambuste.lzh The Dam Busters Simulation Comptiq dangerm.lzh Danger Mouse Text Adventure 1989 Nemesis Soft dangerx.lzh Danger X4 Shoot'm Up 1984 ASCII dawnpatr.lzh Dawn Patrol Simulation 1986 Bytebusters daylight.pma ? ? ? ? deathw.pma Deathwish 3 Arcade 1987 Gremlin Graphics deathw3.pma Deathwish 3 Arcade 1987 Gremlin Graphics deathwis.lzh Deathwish 3 Arcade 1987 Gremlin Graphics decathlo.lzh Decathlon Sports 1984 Activision delgado.lzh Perico Delgado ? ? Topo Soft demand.lzh Demand Shoot'm Up ? ? demonia.lzh Demonia Arcade 1986 Microids descubri.lzh El Descubrimiento de America Adventure 1986 Omikron descubri.pma ? ? ? ? desolat.pma Desolator Arcade 1986 Colin Dooley desolato.lzh Desolator Arcade 1986 Colin Dooley desperad.lzh Desperado Arcade 1987 Topo Soft deusexm.pma Deus ex Machina Arcade 1985 Nu Wave dinamite.lzh Dynamite Dan Platform 1986 Mirrorsoft dires.lzh Dires ? ? ? discover.lzh Discovery Arcade 1988 Eurosoft diskwar.pma Disc Warrior Adventure 1985 Alligata dizballo.lzh Dizzy Balloon Arcade 1984 Pony doctor.lzh Doctor Jackle and Mister Wide ? 1986 Stephen Curtis domino.lzh Domino Domino ? ? donknint.lzh Donkey Kong Arcade 1986 Ocean / Erbe Soft dorondon.lzh Dorodon Arcade 1984 UPL / Sony doubled1.pma Double Dragon Arcade 1988 Xortrapa Soft doubled2.pma Double Dragon 2 Arcade 1988 Animagic dragon.lzh Dragon Attack Arcade 1983 HAL / Takara dragonq.lzh Dragon Quest Adventure 1986 Enix draughts.lzh Draughts Boardgame 1985 Orpheus driller.lzh Driller Tanks Arcade 1983 Hudson drome.lzh Drome Arcade 1986 Bytebusters dungeon.pma ? ? ? ? dunkshot.lzh Dunkshot Sports 1986 HAL dustin.lzh Dustin Adventure 1987 Dinamic eggerlan.lzh Eggerland Mystery Puzzle 1985 HAL eggy.pma Eggy Arcade 1985 Bothtec ei.lzh Exa Innova Shoot'm Up 1984 Programmers-3 / compile elcid.lzh El Cid Adventure 1987 Dro Soft elevator.lzh Elevator Action Arcade 1985 Taito elidon.arj Elidon Adventure Orpheus elite.lzh Elite Simulation 1987 Firebird / Mr. Micro elite3.lzh Elite III Simulation 1987 Firebird / Mr. Micro ericfloa.lzh Eric and the Floaters Arcade 1983 Kuma espadasa.lzh La Espada Sagrada Adventure 1990 Topo Soft eurogam.lzh European Games Sports 1986 Tynesoft ewoks.lzh Ewoks and the Bandelion Warriors Arcade 1987 Walther Miller exerion.lzh Exerion Shoot'm Up 1983 Jaleco eye.pma The Eye Puzzle 1987 Endurance f-master.lzh Field Master Arcade 1985 Cia & Pmm f16simul.lzh F16 Simulator ? 1984 ASCII f1spirit.lzh F1 spirit Racing 1987 Konami fairy.lzh Fairy Arcade 1985 Zap fantasm.lzh Valis, The Fantasm Soldier (Telenet) ? 1986 Telenet fantomas.lzh Phantomas II Arcade 1987 Dinamic fboxing.lzh Family Boxing Sports 1988 Sony feud.lzh Feud Adventure 1987 Mastertronic files.fix ? ? ? ? findersk.pma Finders Keepers Adventure 1986 Mastertronic fireresc.lzh Fire Rescue Arcade 1984 Hudson flappy.lzh Flappy Arcade dB-Soft flashgor.lzh Flash Gordon Adventure 1986 Mastertronic flight.lzh Night Flight Arcade 1982 Colpax / Tomy flintstn.arj The Flintstones Arcade 1988 Grandslam flintsto.lzh The Flintstones Arcade 1988 Grandslam fmartin.lzh Fernando Martin Basket Sports 1986 Dinamic football.pma ? ? ? ? footbyea.lzh Footballer of the Year Sports 1987 Gremlin Graphics footmana.lzh Football Manager Sports 1987 Endurance / Addictive Games footvoll.pma Foot Volley Arcade 1986 Players formz.lzh Formation Z Shoot'm Up 1985 Jaleco freddy2.lzh Freddy Hardest in South Manhattan Arcade 1989 Dinamic fredhar2.lzh Freddy Hardest in South Manhattan Arcade 1989 Dinamic fredhard.lzh Freddy Hardest Arcade 1987 Dinamic fruitpan.lzh Fruit Panic Arcade 1984 Pony funkymou.lzh Funky Mouse Arcade 1984 Zap futbool.lzh Futbol Sports 1985 Indescomp futuknig.lzh Future Knight Adventure 1986 Gremlin Graphics fuzzball.pma Fuzzball Arcade 1986 Eaglesoft g-basket.lzh Golden Basket Sports 1990 Opera Soft galaga.lzh Galaga Shoot'm Up 1984 Namcot galaga2.pma ? ? ? ? galaxia.lzh Galaxia Shoot'm Up 1985 Kuma galaxian.lzh Galaxian Shoot'm Up 1984 Namcot gamecol4.arj MSX1 Games Collection #4 div div div gameover.lzh Game Over Arcade 1988 Dinamic gangman.lzh Gangman Arcade 1983 Hudson gauntlet.lzh Gauntlet Arcade 1985 Gremlin Graphics / US Gold gberet.lzh Green Beret Arcade 1986 Konami gerente.lzh El Gerente ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ghostb2.lzh Ghostbusters 2 Arcade 1989 Activision ghostbu2.pma Ghostbusters 2 Arcade 1989 Activision ghostbus.pma Ghostbusters Arcade 1984 Activision ghostfli.lzh Athletic Ball (Ghost) Arcade 1984 ASCII ghosttim.pma Ghost Time Arcade 1989 M&E Soft ghstbst2.pma Ghostbusters 2 Arcade 1989 Activision glaurung.lzh Las tres Luces de Glaurung Arcade 1986 Erbe Soft glider.lzh Glider Arcade 1985 ZAP gmaster2.lzh Game Master II ? 1988 Konami golve256.lzh Golvellius Version 256Kb Arcade 1987 Compile golvelli.lzh Golvellius Arcade 1987 Compile gonzalez.lzh Gonzalez Arcade 1989 Opera Soft goody.lzh Goody Arcade 1987 Opera Soft goonies.lzh The Goonies Arcade 1986 Konami gp-world.pma Grand Prix World Racing 1985 Sega gpworld.lzh Grand Prix World Racing 1985 Sega gradius2.lzh Nemesis 2+ Arcade 1987 Konami gremlin2.lzh Gremlins 2 Arcade 1990 Topo Soft gremlin2.pma Gremlins 2 Arcade 1990 Topo Soft grogs.lzh Grog's Revenge Arcade 1985 Comptiq guardic.lzh Guardic Shoot'm Up 1986 Compile gunfrigh.lzh Gunfright Arcade 1985 A.C.G. gutt.lzh Gutt Blaster Shoot'm Up 1988 Eurosoft guttblst.pma Gutt Blaster Shoot'm Up 1988 Eurosoft gyroadve.lzh Gyro Adventure Shoot'm Up 1984 Colpax / Nippon Columbia gyrodine.lzh Gyrodine Shoot'm Up 1986 Taito hajafuin.lzh Hajafuin RPG 1987 Kogado hangon.lzh Hang On Racing 1985 Sega haunted.lzh Haunted House Adventure 1988 Eurosoft / Methodic Solutions hercul.lzh Hercule Arcade 1984 Infogrames hero.lzh H.E.R.O. Arcade 1984 Activision highwenc.lzh Highway Encounter Arcade 1985 Vortex Software hoheels.lzh Head over Heels Adventure 1987 Ocean hole1pro.lzh Hole In One Professional Golf 1986 HAL holeione.lzh Hole In One Golf 1984 HAL hotshoe.lzh Hot Shoe Shoot'm Up 1984 Longman Group howarduc.lzh Howard the Duck Arcade 1987 Activision hrally.lzh Hyper Rally Racing 1985 Konami humphrey.lzh Humphrey Arcade 1988 Zigurat hunchbac.lzh Hunchback Arcade 1984 Ocean hundra.lzh Hundra Arcade 1988 Dinamic hustler.lzh Hustler Billiards 1984 Bubble Bus hwstar.lzh Highway Star Arcade 1983 Waylimit hyde.lzh Hyde RPG 1984 hydlide2.lzh Hydlide II RPG 1985 T&E Soft hydlide2.pma Hydlide II RPG 1985 T&E Soft hydlide3.pma Hydlide 3 RPG 1987 T&E Soft hype.lzh Hype Shoot'm Up 1987 Bytebusters hypersp1.lzh Hyper Sports 1 Sports 1984 Konami hypersp3.lzh Hyper Sports 3 Sports 1985 Konami ice.lzh Ice Arcade 1986 Bytebusters icehocke.lzh Champion Ice Hockey Sports 1985 Sega iciclewo.lzh Icicle Works Adventure 1984 Statesoft iconia.lzh Iconia ? ? ? illusion.lzh Illusions Arcade 1985 Nice Ideas indian.lzh Indian No Bouken Arcade 1983 Hudson indiana.lzh Indiana Jones Temple of Doom Arcade 1987 US Gold indy-lc.pma Indiana Jones The Last Crusade Arcade 1989 US Gold inspec-z.lzh Inspecteur Z Arcade 1986 HAL invaderr.lzh ? ? ? ? invasion.lzh Invasion Strategic 1987 Mastertronic italia90.lzh World Cup Italia '90 Sports 1989 Mastertronic / Animagic jacknip1.lzh Jack the Nipper Adventure 1986 Gremlin Graphics jacknip2.lzh Jack the Nipper 2 Adventure 1987 Gremlin Graphics jetbombe.lzh Jet Bomber Arcade 1986 Aackosoft jetsetw.pma Jet Set Willy Platform 1984 Software Projects jetsetw1.lzh Jet Set Willy Platform 1984 Software Projects jetsetw2.lzh Jet Set Willy 2 Platform 1985 Software Projects jetsetwi.lzh Jet Set Willy Platform 1984 Software Projects joeblade.lzh Joe Blade Arcade 1989 Players jumpjet.pma Jump Jet Simulation ? Anirog Software junglew.lzh Jungle Warrior Adventure 1990 Zigurat junglewa.lzh Jungle Warrior Adventure 1990 Zigurat junofirs.lzh Juno First Shoot'm Up 1983 Konami / Sony kaleid.lzh Kaleidoscope Special Shoot'm Up 1987 Hot-B karate.lzh International Karate Fighting 1986 Endurance kbasebal.lzh Konami's Baseball Sports 1984 Konami kboxing.lzh Konami's Boxing Boxing 1985 Konami kendo.lzh Kendo Fighting 1986 Sega keykaper.lzh Keystone Kapers Arcade 1984 Activision kgolf.lzh Konami's Golf Golf 1985 Konami kick-it.pma Kick It Arcade 1986 Aackosoft kickit.lzh Kick It Arcade 1986 Aackosoft kidwiz.lzh Magical Kid Wiz Adventure 1986 Sony / Seibu kingball.lzh King and Balloon Shoot'm Up 1984 Namcot kingsva2.lzh King's Valley II (1988) Arcade 1988 Konami kingv1.lzh King's Valley Arcade 1985 Konami kmaster.lzh Kungfu Master ? ? ? knight.pma ? ? ? ? knightlo.lzh Knight Lore Arcade 1985 A.C.G. konami.lzh compilation disk of all Konami non megarom games div div Konami kpingpon.lzh Konami's Ping Pong Sports 1985 Konami krakout.lzh Krak Out Arcade 1987 Gremlin Graphics krakout.pma Krak Out Arcade 1987 Gremlin Graphics ksoccer.lzh Konami's Soccer Sports 1985 Konami ktennis.lzh Konami's Tennis Tennis 1984 Konami ktyme.lzh Knight Tyme Adventure 1986 Mastertronic laherenc.pma ? ? ? ? lastcrus.pma ? ? ? ? lastmiss.lzh The Last Mission ? ? ? lazerbik.lzh Lazer Bykes Arcade 1985 PSS lazyjone.lzh Lazy Jones Arcade 1985 Terminal Software lemans1.pma Le Mans Racing 1984 Electric Software lemans2.lzh Le Mans 2 Racing 1985 Electric Software lesflics.lzh Les Flics Arcade PSS liberato.lzh Liberator ? ? PJ Soft licence.pma Licence to Kill Arcade 1989 Domark livdayli.lzh The Living Daylights Arcade 1987 Domark living2a.pma ? ? ? ? living2b.pma ? ? ? ? livingst.lzh Livingstone, supongo ? ? ? loderun2.lzh Loderunner 2 Platform 1985 Broderbund / Compile lords.pma ? ? ? ? lorna.lzh Lorna Arcade 1990 Topo Soft m-rider.pma ? ? ? ? macadamb.lzh Macadam Bumper Pinball 1985 Ere Informatique / Sony madmix1.lzh Mad Mix Game Arcade 1988 Topo Soft madmix2.lzh Mad Mix Game 2 Arcade 1990 Topo Soft magicalt.lha Magical Tree Arcade 1984 Konami manus.lzh Manus Arcade 1984 Zap masters.pma ? ? ? ? matcday2.lzh Matchday 2 Sports 1987 Ocean matchday.pma ? ? ? ? mcattack.pma Mac Attack Arcade 1986 Bytebusters merlin.lzh Merlin Arcade 1987 JCC metrop.lzh Metropolis Arcade 1989 Topo Soft mgalious.lzh The Maze Of Galious Arcade 1987 Konami michel.lzh Michel Futbol Master + Super Skills Sports 1989 Dinamic mickyluc.lzh Micky Lucky Arcade ? ? midnight.lzh Midnight Building Arcade 1983 Waylimit mind.lzh Super Mind ? ? ? miner.lzh Manic Miner Platform 1984 Software Projects mirai.lzh Mirai ? 1987 Xain misc0000.arj Episode (ASCII 1983), zoom909.rom (Sega 1985) div div div misc0001.arj Topple Zip (1986), Valkyr, Vestron (1986) div div div mitsume.lzh Mitsume Gatooru ? 1989 Matsume monkeyac.lzh Monkey Academy Arcade 1984 Konami monopoly.pma Monopoly Boardgame 1985 Leisure Genius moonswer.lzh Moonsweeper Shoot'm Up 1985 Toshiba / Interphase mopirang.lha Mopi Ranger Arcade 1985 Konami mouniver.lzh Masters of the Universe Adventure 1987 Gremlin Graphics mouser.lzh Mouser Arcade 1983 UPL / Sony mphoenix.lzh Megaphoenix Shoot'm Up 1991 Dinamic mplanet.lzh Mobile Planet Arcade 1986 HAL mrggoody.arj Goody Arcade 1989 Opera Soft msx1game.arj 26 disks of MSX1 games div div div msx1game.txt list of files in msx1game.arj div div div msx1mega.arj 15 msx megarom games div div div msx1mega.txt list of files in msx1mega.arj div div div msxchess.lzh MSX Chess V1.1 ++ Boardgame 1986 Adam Waring mutant.lzh Mutant Monty Platform 1985 Artic Computing navymove.lzh Navy Moves Arcade 1988 Dinamic neme2256.lzh Nemesis 2 (Version 256Kb) Arcade 1987 Konami nemesis.lzh Nemesis Arcade 1986 Konami nemesis3.lzh Nemesis 3 Arcade 1988 Konami night.pma ? ? ? ? nilo.lzh El misterio del Nilo Arcade 1986 Zigurat ninjapri.lzh Ninja Princess Arcade 1986 Sega nintendo.pma ? ? ? ? ninya.pma ? ? ? ? nipper1.pma Jack the Nipper Adventure 1986 Gremlin Graphics nipper2.pma Jack the Nipper 2 Adventure 1987 Gremlin Graphics nofuss.lzh No Fuss Puzzle 1991 ANMA nonamed.lzh Nonamed Arcade 1986 Dinamic oceancon.lzh Ocean Conqueror Simulation ? Dro Soft october.lzh The Hunt for Red October Simulation 1989 Grandslam ohmumy.lzh Oh Mummy Arcade 1984 Longman Group ohshit!.lzh Oh Shit! Arcade 1986 Aackosoft oilswell.pma Oil's Well Arcade 1984 Sierra On-Line / Aackosoft ole!.lzh Ole! Arcade 1985 Bug Byte operwolf.lzh Operation Wolf Arcade 1988 Ocean PACK#01.LZH Star Force, Hang On, Bouken Roman, div div div PACK#01.LZH Champion Pro Wrestling, Exoide Z, Thexder, Pacman, div div div PACK#01.LZH The Castle, The Castle Excellent, Warroid, Crusader, div div div PACK#01.LZH Leonidas Odissey, Inspecteur-Z, Raid On Bungeling Bay, div div div PACK#01.LZH Bosconian, Hole In One, Choplifter, Magical kid Wiz, div div div PACK#01.LZH Zaxxon, Eindeloos, Zoom 909 div div div PACK#02.LZH AE, Albatross, Wedding Bells, Amida, Blockade, div div div PACK#02.LZH Auf Wiedersehen Monty, Beach Head, Blagger, div div div PACK#02.LZH Dragon Slayer, Star Trek, Heavy Boxing, div div div PACK#02.LZH Highway Encounter, Jokey, Happy Fret, Demonia, div div div PACK#02.LZH Nuts & Milk div div div PACK#03.LZH Eric And The Floaters, Spelunker, Jumpland, Ninja 2, div div div PACK#03.LZH Pooyan, Pipi, Bomberman Special, Boxing (SEGA), div div div PACK#03.LZH Donpan, Traffic, Pinky Chase, Funky Mouse, div div div PACK#03.LZH Gyro Adventure, Ice World, Panda, Panic Junction, div div div PACK#03.LZH Ski Command, Formation-Z, Zexas 2, Champion Soccer, div div div PACK#03.LZH Congo Bongo, Fire Rescue, Indian No Bouken, div div div PACK#03.LZH Pyramid Warp, Warp & Warp, Aramo, War Head, div div div PACK#03.LZH Tower Of Druaga, Spider div div div PACK#04.LZH Snake-It!, City Connection, Mad Mix Game, Donkey Kong, div div div PACK#04.LZH Super Golf, Star Quake, Trivial Pursuit, Operation Wolf, div div div PACK#04.LZH ICE, Snake, Livingstone Supongo div div div PACK#05.LZH Car Fighter, Green Beret, Billar, Penguin Wars, Hype, div div div PACK#05.LZH Zanac 2, Arkanoid, Stop The Express, Alpha Roid, div div div PACK#05.LZH Macross, Keystone Kapers, Kaleidoscope, Wildride, div div div PACK#05.LZH Marine, Boggy '84, Star Soldier, River Raid, Godzilla, div div div PACK#05.LZH Wonder Boy, Catboy, Safari-X, Galaga, Mobile Planet, div div div PACK#05.LZH Games Master, Crazy Bullet, Kaeru, Mr. Gomoku div div div PACK#06.LZH Ninja 5, Guardics, Gyrodine, Time Bandits, Final Justice, div div div PACK#06.LZH Manes, Ninja, Crazy Train, Sparky, Choro-Q, Rotors, div div div PACK#06.LZH Grog's Revenge, B C Quest, Hero, Fernando Martin, div div div PACK#06.LZH Karate International, Splash!, Danger X4, Mah Jong, div div div PACK#06.LZH Laptick 2, Oh Shit!, Highway Star, Step Up, Beamrider div div div PACK#07.LZH Athletic Land, Antarctic Adventure, Monkey Academy, div div div PACK#07.LZH Time Pilot, Frogger, Super Cobra, Track & Field I & II, div div div PACK#07.LZH Circus Charley, Magical Tree, Comic Bakery, div div div PACK#07.LZH Hyper Sports I, II & III, Cabagge Path Kids, Hyper Rally, div div div PACK#07.LZH Konami 's Tennis, Sky Jaguar, Konami's Golf, div div div PACK#07.LZH Konami's Baseball, Yie Ar Kung-Fu I & II, King's Valley, div div div PACK#07.LZH Mopiranger, Pippols, Road Fighter, Konami's Ping-Pong, div div div PACK#07.LZH Konami's Soccer, The Goonies, Konami's Boxing, div div div PACK#07.LZH Knightmare, TwinBee, Q-Bert div div div PACK#08.LZH Elevator Action, Eggerland Mistery, Grand Prix World, div div div PACK#08.LZH Gangman, Star Force, Hang On, Bouken Roman, div div div PACK#08.LZH Champion Pro Wrestling, Exoide Z, Thexder, Pacman, div div div PACK#08.LZH The Castle, The Castle Excellent, Warroid, Crusader, div div div PACK#08.LZH Leonidas Odissey, Inspecteur-Z, Raid On Bungeling Bay, div div div PACK#08.LZH Bosconian, Hole In One, Choplifter, Magical kid Wiz, div div div PACK#08.LZH Zaxxon div div div PACK#09.LZH Mr. Ching, Stone Of Wisdow, Back To The Future, div div div PACK#09.LZH Bank Panic, Gulkave, Hyper Boy, Monster's Fair, div div div PACK#09.LZH Pinball, Pine Applin, Scope On!, Taekwondo, Zanac, div div div PACK#09.LZH BOP!, Dunkshot, Batalla Tanques, Buck Rogers, div div div PACK#09.LZH Cosmo Explorer, Exerion, Desolator, Pay & Load, div div div PACK#09.LZH Come On Picot!, Penguin Land, Fruit Panic, The div div div PACK#09.LZH Protector, Clapton II, 3D Water Driver, Rollerball, Galaxian div div div PACK#10.LZH Avenger, Pacman, Mouse Jump, Skooter, Jack The div div div PACK#10.LZH Nipper II, 10th Frame, Terramex, 10 Yard Fight, Zexas, div div div PACK#10.LZH Outland, Valkyr, Boomerang, Flipper Slipper, div div div PACK#10.LZH Exchanger, Kung-fu Master, Anty, Spartan X, div div div PACK#10.LZH Project A, Sir Fred, Ale Hop! div div div PACK#11.LZH Boulder Dash 1, Boulder Dash 2, Butan Pants, Candoo div div div PACK#11.LZH Ninja, Gutt Blasters, Humphrey, Kendo, Pairs, div div div PACK#11.LZH Temptations, Who Dares Wins II, Spy VS Spy, Actman div div div PACK#11.LZH Spy VS Spy, Actman, Colt 36, Camelot Warriors, div div div PACK#11.LZH Head Over Heels, Superboy II, Night Flight, Zaider, div div div PACK#11.LZH Banana, Geometria div div div pacland.lzh Pac Land Arcade 1984 Grandslam / Namcot pacman.lzh Pac Man Arcade 1984 Namcot pacmania.pma Pacmania Arcade 1988 Grandslam / Namcot pairs.lzh Pairs Arcade 1983 ASCII panique.pma Panique Arcade 1986 Eaglesoft pants.lzh Butan Pants Arcade 1983 HAL pardakar.lzh Paris Dakar Racing 1988 Zigurat parod128.lzh Parodius Arcade 1988 Konami parod256.lzh Parodius (Version 256Kb) Arcade 1988 Konami pasteman.lzh Pasteman Arcade 1988 Firebird pengland.lzh Penguinland Arcade 1985 Sega pengu256.lzh Penguin Adventure (Version 256Kb) Arcade 1986 Konami pentagra.lzh Pentagram Adventure 1986 A.C.G. petrovic.lzh Drazen Petrovic Basket Sports 1989 Topo Soft phantis.lzh Phantis Shoot'm Up 1987 Dinamic phantoma.lzh Phantomas (Vampire) ? ? ? picot.pma Come on Picot Arcade 1985 Pony pinball.lzh Pinball (T&E Soft) Pinball 1986 T&E Soft pineappl.lzh Pine Applin Arcade 1984 Zap pinkpant.pma Pink Panther Arcade 1988 Magic Bytes pippols.lzh Pippols Arcade 1985 Konami pitfall2.lzh Pitfall 2 Arcade 1984 Activision poderosc.lzh El Poder Oscuro (Arcadia) ? ? ? polarsta.lzh Polar Star Shoot'm Up 1984 Micro Cabin police.pma ? ? ? ? policea1.pma Police Academy Arcade 1986 Bytebusters policea2.pma Police Academy 2 Arcade 1987 Methodic Solutions poogaboo.lzh Poogaboo Arcade 1991 Opera Soft priceofm.pma The Price of Magik Text Adventure 1986 Level 9 Computing profanat.lzh Abu Simbel Profanation ? ? ? protecto.lzh The Protector Arcade 1985 Pony puddles.lzh Puddles ? ? ? pvasca.lzh Pelota Vasca Sports ? ? pwars.lzh Penguin Wars Arcade 1985 ASCII qbert.lzh Q-Bert Arcade 1986 Konami qgolf.lzh Queen's Golf Golf 1984 ASCII quijote1.lzh El Quijote (Parte 1) ? ? ? quijote2.lzh El Quijote (Parte 2) ? ? ? quinplch.lzh Cheater for Quinpl ? ? ? r-type.pma R-type Arcade 1988 Irem raidonbb.lzh Raid On Bungeling Bay Arcade 1984 Broderbund / Sony rambo.lzh Rambo Arcade 1985 Pack In Video rambo3.lzh Rambo 3 Adventure 1988 Ocean rambosp.lzh Super Rambo Special ? ? ? reflex.pma Reflex Arcade 1987 Players renegade.lzh ? ? ? ? rivraid.lzh River Raid Arcade 1984 Activision roadfigh.lzh Road Fighter Racing 1985 Konami roadwars.lzh Road Wars Arcade 1987 Arcadia / Melbourne House roller.lzh Rollerball Pinball 1984 HAL romancia.lzh Romancia ? 1986 Falcom s-shadow.xsa Silent Shadow Shoot'm Up 1988 Topo Soft salam128.lzh Salamander (Version 128Kb) Arcade 1987 Konami salam256.lzh Salamander (Version 256Kb) Arcade 1987 Konami samantha.lzh Samantha Fox Strippoker Adult 1986 Martech / Software Communications sandgam1.lzh Sand Game 1 ? ? ? sandgam2.lzh Sand Game 2 ? ? ? sc-fict.pma Science Fiction Shoot'm Up 1987 Bytebusters schuiff1.lzh Juego de inteligencia en BASIC ? ? ? scobra.lzh Super Cobra Shoot'm Up 1983 Konami scopeon.lzh Scope On Shoot'm Up 1983 ASCII sevilla.lzh Capitan Sevilla Arcade 1988 Dinamic sewersam.lzh Sewer Sam Arcade 1984 Toshiba / Interphase shalo256.lzh Shalom (Knightmare III) Version 256Kb Arcade 1987 Konami shalo512.lzh Shalom (Knightmare III) Version 512Kb! Arcade 1987 Konami sharkhnt.arj Shark Hunter Arcade 1984 Electric Software sirfred.lzh Sir Fred Adventure 1986 Zigurat sjaguar.lzh Sky Jaguar Shoot'm Up 1984 Konami snake-it.lzh Snake It Arcade 1986 Eaglesoft sninja.lzh Super Ninja ? ? ? snowman.lzh The Snowman Platform 1984 Quicksilva snychess.pma ? ? ? ? sokoban.pma Sokoban Puzzle 1984 ASCII / Thinking Rabbit solnegr1.pma Sol Negro Arcade 1988 Opera Soft solnegr2.pma ? ? ? ? solnegro.lzh Sol Negro Arcade 1988 Opera Soft sonyches.lha Chess de Sony ? ? Sony soviet.lzh Soviet Arcade 1990 Opera Soft sparkie.pma Sparkie Arcade 1983 Konami / Sony spdking.lzh Speed King Racing 1986 Mastertronic spirits.lzh Spirits Adventure 1987 Topo Soft squeek.lzh Squeek Arcade 1991 ANMA starfigh.lzh Star Fighter Arcade 1986 Bytebusters starquak.arj Starquake Adventure 1985 Bubble Bus starquak.lzh Starquake Adventure 1985 Bubble Bus starsold.lzh Star Soldier Shoot'm Up ? ? starwars.lzh Star Wars Arcade 1986 Bytebusters streaker.pma Streaker Adventure 1987 Mastertronic strgloop.lzh Strange Loop Arcade 1987 Nippon Dexter / Virgin sulaydok.lzh Super Laydock: Mission Striker Shoot'm Up 1987 T&E Soft superboy.lzh Super Boy 2 Arcade 1989 Zemina Super Game Collection ? 1985 Sony supertri.lzh Supertripper Arcade 1985 Indescomp / Sony supsnak.lzh Super Snake Arcade 1983 HAL survivor.lzh Survivor Arcade 1987 Topo Soft sweetaco.lzh Sweet Acorn Arcade 1984 Taito / Electric Software takeru.lzh Takeru Densetsu Arcade ? ? tank.lzh Juego de tanques en BASIC ? ? ? tank-b.lzh Tank Battalion Arcade 1984 Namcot tank-b.pma Tank Battalion Arcade 1984 Namcot tbounces.lzh Thing Bounces Back Arcade 1987 Gremlin Graphics tchess.lzh Turbo Chess ? ? ? tdii.lzh Test Drive 2 Racing 1989 Accolade New Frontier tempdoom.pma Indiana Jones Temple of Doom Arcade 1987 US Gold temptati.lzh Temptations Adventure 1988 Topo Soft terminus.lzh Terminus Adventure 1986 Mastertronic terramex.lzh Terramex Adventure 1988 Grandslam / Argus Press Software tetris.lzh Tetris Puzzle 1987 Mirrorsoft theheist.pma The Heist Arcade 1985 Comptiq thexder.lzh Thexder Arcade 1986 Game Arts / Compile thunderb.lzh Thunderbirds Adventure 1988 Grandslam tiger.lzh The Way of the Tiger Fighting 1986 Gremlin Graphics timeband.lzh Time Bandits Shoot'm Up 1984 PSS tkwondo.lzh Teakwondo ? 1985 ASCII toproll.lzh Top Roller Arcade 1984 Jaleco tpilot.lzh Time Pilot Shoot'm Up 1983 Konami tracer.lzh Commando Tracer Arcade 1988 Dinamic tracknf1.lzh Track & Field 1 Sports 1984 Konami tracknf2.lzh Track & Field 1 Sports 1984 Konami trail.pma ? ? ? ? trailbla.lzh Trailblazer Arcade 1986 Gremlin Graphics trantor.lzh Trantor Arcade 1988 Probe trivial.lzh Trivial Pursuit Boardgame 1987 Leisure Genius tuareg.lzh Tuareg Adventure 1988 Topo Soft turbgirl.lzh Turbo Girl Arcade 1988 Dinamic turmoil.lzh Turmoil Arcade 1986 ASCII turmoil.pma Turmoil Arcade 1986 ASCII turtles.pma Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventure 1990 Imageworks / Probe twinbee.lzh Twinbee Shoot'm Up 1986 Konami ulises.lzh Ulises Arcade 1989 Opera Soft untouch.lzh Untouchables Arcade 1989 Ocean vacmania.lzh Vacuumania Arcade 1984 PSS valkyr.pma Valkyr Shoot'm Up 1985 Gremlin Graphics vaxol.arj Vaxol ? 1987 Heart Soft vaxol.lzh Vaxol ? ? Sony vectron.lzh Vectron Arcade 1989 Parallax venom.lzh MASK III: Venom Strikes Back ? ? ? volley.lzh Volley Ball Sports ? ? vuilnis.lzh Vuilnis ? ? ? wcfm.lzh Football Manager World Cup Edition Sports 1988 Addictive Games wdwii.lzh Who Dares Wins 2 Arcade 1986 Alligata wilds.lzh Race in the wilds ? ? ? wizlair.pma Wizard's Lair Adventure 1986 Bubble Bus wonder.pma ? ? ? ? wonderb.lzh Wonder Boy Arcade 1986 Hudson xanadu.arj Xanadu ? 1987 Falcom xenon.pma Xenon Arcade 1988 Animagic / Melbourne House xybots.lzh Xybots Arcade 1989 Domark xyxolog.lzh Xyxolog Arcade 1984 Taito yabyum.lzh Yab Yum Adult 1985 Tom Gerritsen ? ? 1986 Jaleco yiear1.lzh Yie Ar Kung Fu Fighting 1985 Konami yiear2.lzh Yie Ar Kung Fu 2 Fighting 1985 Konami zanac.lzh Zanac Shoot'm Up 1986 Pony / Compile zanac2.lzh Zanac 2 ? ? ? zanac3.pma ? ? ? ? zaxxon.lzh Zaxxon Arcade ? Sega zexas.lzh Zexas Shoot'm Up 1984 dB-Soft zona0.lzh Zona 0 Arcade 1991 Topo Soft zoom909.lzh Zoom 909 Arcade 1985 Sega zork1.lzh Zork 1: the great underground Empire Adventure 1982 Infocom zork2.lzh Zork 2: The wizard of Frobozz Adventure 1981 Infocom zork3.lzh Zork III: The Dungeon Master Adventure 1982 Infocom BH (P) 2003